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About Ramon...

As a licensed Real estate professional, Ramon does more than sell houses. With more than 11 years of U.S. Army experience, Ramon has adopted what he likes to call the “Make It Happen” mentality, which is the driving force throughout his life.

Committed to finding innovating ways of working to provide more value to clients, he is always eager to help his fellow veteran and to do what he can to help anyone reach their goals in life. 

He considers himself a real estate consultant because of the approach he takes in educating his clients and asking them to make the decision that is right for them. 

He also works as an in-house website designer for ROR Realty and for Alaska Healing Hearts (AHH), where he is also a board member, a veteran organization dedicated to help all veterans and their families have something close to the familial support they may have had while serving. 

He aspires to create a successful real estate company that is well known by all and has a reputation for looking out for the best interest of its clients (and will answer the phone or get back to clients quickly) and is the best overall to work with. He has beautiful set of twins, a boy and a girl and a just as beautiful wife who is more of a go getter than he, with whom he loves to hang out, volunteering, going on hikes, having family adventures and exploring Alaska with. 

Ramon is a person who believes that being ethical and honest is in fact the best policy and the only way to be truly successful in life, and he strives every day to be better.

Los Angeles
The 74th Co. 2nd Plt with Iraqi Army SMG
Preping for Christmas 2016
Palmer Jun 2018
Out for a hike
AHH - Hard Water Warriors
Cuting out the Deck
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