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Standard Paperwork

Documents and Blurred Business Men
Getting Representation
Making an Offer 
*Custom form, details will very between all transaction


Paper Stack and Pencil

AREC Consumer Disclosure

  • First form all clients must be provided with.

  • Required by law (AS 08.88.600 - 08.88.695).

  • This document is not a contract.

  • Provides you with an outline of the duties of a real estate licensee (licensee).

  • Explains different types of relationships between a consumer and a licensee.

  • Defines the relationship between you, as a consumer, and a licensee.

AREC Waiver of Right to Be Represented (WRTR)

  • Used when licensee will assist both a consumer buyer and seller 

  • Real estate licensees are required by law to provide this document, prior to providing specific assistance to the parties.

  • The licensee must obtain written approval from both consumers

  • Outlining the duties of a real estate licensee when acting in a neutral capacity.

AREC Disclosure
Open Window
  • States that Licensee shall represent either the Buyer or the Seller in the purchase of a real estate property.

  • Describes the Licensee and Buyer's/Seller's duties.

  • Explains what to do if Licensee represents the seller, or another buyer interested in the same property.

  • Goes over what Licensees are and are not permitted to advise buyers on.



*Custom form, details will vary between all transaction

Representation Agreement

Making an Offer
Open Window

Purchase and Sale Agreement Form (P&SA)

  • Used by a Licensee to present a Buyer’s offer to the Seller for consideration.

  • Describes terms and conditions of purchase

  • lays out dates and timeline.



*Custom form, details will very between all transaction
Open Window
Counter Offer Form​
  • Used by Licensees for both Buyers and Sellers to counteroffer the original P&SA, until an agreement is reached, to enter in to contract or go their separate way​.


*Custom form, details will very between all transaction
Open Window
  • Used to make changes to original P&SA after an agreement has been reached and considered under contract. 


*Custom form, details will very between all transaction
Amendment/Addendum Form
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